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CED Stone Inspiring Beautiful Landscapes

Contemprorary Tier Walling - Ochre

Encompassing a broad range of neutral colours, the Ochre blend is the perfect combination of colour and versatility.

Also available are special corner pieces which match and complement the whole TIER Contemporary Range, each piece sliding seamlessly together for corners, fireplace edges, door frames and window reveals.


Product Information

Stock code: 282/29268/CONT/OCHRE M2

Size: Panels 548x152x15-25mm, Corners 348x200x152x15-25mm

Price: Panels - £19.90m2 + VAT, Adhesive - £28.34 + VAT 15kg Bags (3.5m2 per bag), Corners also available.

Stock location: West Thurrock
Contact: 01708 867237