CED Stone Inspiring Beautiful Landscapes

Niwaki Trade Stand

Project year: 2017
Posted: 30 Aug, 2017


Niwaki was started by Jake Hobson after he fell in love with the gardens and trees of Japan back in 1977. Now a bit of an expert on Japanese landscapes and topiary, he has a range of traditional Japanese gardening tools available from Okatsune shears to Tripod Ladders.

The Niwaki trade stand was, of course, inspired by traditional Japanese garden designs and featured a Douglas Fir pavilion structure showcasing all of their quality tools. Cloud pruned Cupressus Arizonica were set amongst Silver Grey Granite Aggregate from CED Stone, which is a popular choice for Japanese gardens, and large pieces of Slabby Sandstone Paving steps led the way up the side of the stand.

Products used:
Silver Grey Granite Aggregate
Slabby Sandstone Paving

  • English Collection - Slabby Sandstone Paving & Silver Grey Granite Aggregate
  • Niwaki Trade Stand
  • Niwaki Trade Stand