CED Stone Inspiring Beautiful Landscapes

London, Canary Wharf

Posted: 22 Apr, 2015


CEDEC Red Footpath Gravel


When Canary Wharf was being built we were asked for a footpath gravel with no lime content as the client was concerned not to affect the pH levels in the soil in the tree pits. Much thought and some good luck found both CEDEC red and gold.

This remarkable product provided a solution to the clients problem as the material does not set but packs tightly creating a footpath whilst remaining porus. The result was then seen by others and sales have continued to grow ever since. CEDEC is also now available in silver.

Products used:
SuperCEDEC Treepit Gravel - Red

Designer: Hanna/Olin

Contractor: Willerby Landscapes Ltd

  • London, Canary Wharf
  • London, Canary Wharf
  • London, Canary Wharf
  • London, Canary Wharf
  • London, Canary Wharf